
Every one-to-two months, there is a meeting of all student factions (that are currently in the University Council), as well as all parties recognised as student umbrellas or student collectives in Eindhoven. This meeting, the Umbrella Assembly (previously referred to as the Koepeloverleg, or abbreviated as UA), provides a space for the umbrellas to connect, share ideas and make shared decisions with regards to current events, policy and the state of the student community in Eindhoven.

Currently, the following parties are invited take a seat within the UA:

Student Factions

Umbrella Organisations


  • Career Collective (Wervingsdagen, UniPartners Eindhoven, Bouwkunde Bedrijvendagen, Integrand, B&R Beurs Eindhoven)
  • Student Teams Collective (represented by Innovation Space delegate & student delegates from the teams)

If you are currently not invited for the UA meetings, and if you are not represented yet by the current parties, please let us know by emailing to We'll discuss the options for joining with you in a meeting.


Please note that the Umbrella Assembly is currently a student-initiative and does not have any formal placement within the TU/e or Fontys structure. We would however welcome collaboration on this front in the future.

The Umbrella Assembly does however have formal placement within the policies of the umbrellas and fractions, as it is regarded as a valuable collaboration tool and provides possibilities for joint responses to external parties.

Contacting the members

You can reach the members through emailing If you want to email only the umbrellas and collectives (for instance about the Intro weeks), use instead.

Please note that there is filtering on this mailing list to prevent spam, your email might be reviewed first.